
Is It Time for the Retirement from Your Business?

Several choices must be made while creating a succession plan for your firm, depending on the circumstances inside it as well as your personal and professional goals. The majority of owners desire a simple transfer of ownership or the transfer of responsibilities to the next generation. Assuring business continuity and determining retirement income are other concerns. It is crucial to …

Digital Marketing

Holiday Season – Customer Service Nightmare

With the most significant dates of the 2016 holiday season behind us, the season is coming to an end. This pause provides an opportune moment to reflect on the turmoil that retail enterprises have endured. There is one aspect of this season that always makes me think about the end of the world Whether we (and they) like to admit …


3 Tips for the Most Killer Sales Email Ever

Email is still the main source of revenue, despite what many social media and content marketing professionals and “influencers” would have you think. This is not to argue that content marketing and social media have no place in the contemporary business environment. This is just stating the obvious: emails are still the most effective way to close deals. Ignore me …