Large companies and corporations have been using the cloud for a few years now; business owners who haven’t switched yet are definitely in the minority. Multinationals would struggle to work in real time without secure cloud networks that keep everyone on the same page.

Here are some of the good things that will happen to your small business when you move your information to the cloud.

Access storage from anywhere

If you need to make an invoice while you’re at a customer’s place of business, you can use either your phone or your PC to get to your files. With cloud storage, you can store your files anywhere, and real-time updates keep everyone up to date.

Communicating for less money

You don’t have to call people all the time because your network can host videoconferencing tools, which will save you a lot of money. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is a way to send video and voice data over the internet without having to pay by the minute. With tools like real-time shared whiteboards, file sharing, and real-time updates, videoconferencing gives the business owner more power.

In real time, if a seller in Brisbane makes a sale, they can update right away so that everyone can see. This keeps you up to date at all times, stops confusion, and speeds up your business processes. To give you an idea, you can log in to your network and see how sales are going today.


Your network provider watches over your information 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to make sure it is always safe. The network is only accessible to people who have been given a name and password. It is up to you to decide if workers can use their own devices. If a hacker tries to get through your network’s defences, the bad code is locked down, and its source can be found.

Cheap accounting and bookkeeping. When you move storage to the cloud, your book-keeper won’t have to come to your offices. All you have to do is give them a username and login and let them access the right data. Everybody wins if your accounting staff saves time. They will charge less, and you will save money.

Make your business processes automatic. With the newest business tools, you can make some of your business processes automatic. You can set up alerts to let you know when your inventory is running low, and invoices can be sent instantly. Software that is made for your industry saves you a lot of time and lets you focus on other parts of your business, like customer service.

Automatic backup

Of course, you need to back up your data, and the person in charge of your network can decide how often to do this. You can choose to back up every 30 minutes or every 3 minutes; cloud networks let you do it all.

There you have it—a few strong reasons to think about moving storage to the cloud. Talk to a top communications expert in Australia about cloud networking to start and find out more about all the great things it can do for your small business. The network can be set up in just a few hours and doesn’t require any hardware to be installed. What are you waiting for? Find a phone company online that offers cloud business options. This is the first step to becoming very efficient.

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