Nobody can contest Microsoft’s immense influence on the IT industry, despite the fact that the company’s whole history was characterized by constant ups and downs and a great deal of criticism. These days, the Redmond behemoth appears in better form than ever, with the glories of Windows Mobile and Windows a long way behind it.

More importantly, Microsoft appears to have a solid understanding of cloud computing. A recent poll indicates that there are currently over 155 million Office 365 customers, and over 500,000 organizations utilize Microsoft Teams.


The aforementioned figures are very remarkable and provide advantageous opportunities for aspirational IT professionals to differentiate themselves in the job market. The degree of achievement they achieve will mostly be determined by their formal Microsoft Certification.

Microsoft Certification: What Is It?

However, let’s first examine the purpose of the paper before examining how these written qualifications affect your employability. Therefore, a Microsoft Certification is an officially recognized credential that verifies your technical proficiency in carrying out certain duties inside a Microsoft software platform. Microsoft now provides 250 distinct certificate types that may be categorized into categories according to the standard Microsoft roles in the workplace: Developer, Administrator, Architect of Solutions, Data Scientist, AI Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Security Engineer, Functional Consultant

These positions are dispersed among Microsoft platforms, including Azure, 365, and Power.

The advantages of becoming certified by Microsoft

With a clearer understanding of what an official Microsoft certification entails, let’s examine some strong arguments for obtaining one and how it might increase your chances of landing a well-paying position.

Enhanced employability

Any recognized certification adds a ton of credibility to your resume, and Microsoft is no exception. As per a recent survey, obtaining recognized credentials enabled 19% of IT workers to secure employment, and in certain instances, the hiring managers were able to fill open jobs 25% faster due to the existence of these certificates. It should be noted that an official Microsoft certificate opens access to the worldwide job market because it is a globally recognized document.

Possibility of wage growth

The goal of Microsoft training programs is to develop advanced skill sets that are highly transferable to the actual world of business. That qualified IT specialists may command far greater incomes than their counterparts shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. According to some statistics, this income disparity is as high as 20%. According to the most recent records, Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP) make an average of $100,000 annually. Salary ranges for the top paying categories start at $156,000.

Access to a labor market that is ever growing

As we have previously shown, Microsoft has taken several risks over the course of several decades that have not paid off. Given the state of the industry, Office 365 and other well-known Microsoft services don’t rank well. In contrast, Google and Microsoft hold a nearly equal share of the cloud-based productivity industry, with Office 365 accounting for as much as 40.39% of this lucrative sector. Furthermore, according to the most recent quarterly data, the product managed to post a 23% rise in sales despite having such a strong core presence.

All of these figures point to a thriving industry in which aspirational IT workers won’t have any trouble landing stable, long-term jobs.

Advantages for companies

Naturally, the tale of Microsoft certifications may also be seen from the standpoint of the benefits they provide to the company. Real-world application of Microsoft training programs yields several observable advantages:

Increased productivity: Trained staff members are far more adept at quickly and effectively utilizing Microsoft’s productivity tools.

Uninterrupted team communication: Microsoft Teams is quickly growing in popularity as a collaboration tool. To fully utilize the advantages of this platform, expert training is necessary.

Elevated security and accessibility – Microsoft’s cloud tools are fully functional platforms that are easily accessible from any device, anywhere in the globe. It’s also important to note that you are receiving first-rate, round-the-clock protection when you do that.

Keeping all of this in mind, when used properly, the Microsoft cloud package and the experts qualified to use and manage it may greatly benefit the business.

All things considered, we can only draw the conclusion that Microsoft cloud tools are an extremely potent online toolbox that will see significant expansion over the next years. In light of this, people who choose to earn an official Microsoft certification ought to have easy access to well-paying, stable jobs with lots of opportunities for growth. These days, it seems like a highly profitable venture.

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